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Interpreting guidance

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:08 am
by AlFike
As I have progressed upon the Divine Path and experienced deeper perceptions and communication with spirit, I have struggled with how to discern and delineate between what comes from my material mind and what comes from my soul. For some of you reading this I'm sure you struggle with being aware of anything at all to do with your soul. This is a challenge for us earth bound creatures who rely almost exclusively on our five senses and material mind. Discerning the physical reality can be challenging enough so engaging in a whole other form of reality can completely complicate your life. Yet some of us are naturally more open to this other dimension and sight and all of us are intensely curious about it. There are very few who are extremely sensitive to psychic experiences and even fewer who experience soul perception in any reliable way. When I began this journey as a young man I had sensitivities but they were not clear nor could I separate the many powerful waves of feeling and impressions that came somewhat unbidden. I was not aware that what was happening internally was a sensitivity to energies in my immediate environment coupled with my own fear and uncertainties. Expectations in the late sixties and early seventies of young men required a brave and confident demeanor. I was anything but brave or confident. I stuck to myself and shut down emotionally because of my feelings of inadequacies and my confusion around these stray but powerful inner experiences. Sensitive men these days are valued and better understood but back then they were an oddity and considered strange. It wasn't until I was introduced to Divine Love that everything fell into place. I began to recognize my strange inner life as a gift rather than a liability. It took years however to tame the beast which is the emotional roller coaster ride of unbidden thoughts and feelings. It was quite a struggle to step out from behind my shell of protection and un dampen those flames of feelings. At age forty I began to value who I was and the gifts of my own unique perceptions of the world around me and the world of spirit. With this new found confidence I began to truly open up to my soul perceptions and believe them to be valid. This is not to say that one day I removed the cloak of my own doubt and fears because even twenty years later I struggle with belief and faith in my ability to discern truth from fantasy. Even this old psychic has his doubts. :?

The problem is that from a very early age we have learned that reality is something out there perceivable by our five senses and processed by our mental faculties. Anything which is perceived by inner sight or felt intuitively is not to be trusted. We live in a world validated by scientific research and statistical probabilities. Religion is frowned upon by this current trend and anything else considered unorthodox thinking is just imagination run amok. Who amongst us is not challenged by this cultural edict every day ? Yet most of us hunger for this inner knowing which comes with soul growth. We have been told that the reality constructed by mankind is at best a partial and dim picture. The angels say that there is so much more to life than what we perceive or understand. What soul is not eager for more truth and greater vision? For the majority of mankind who are bogged down by the heavy realities and cultural dogmas of this life, seeking a multi dimensional reality is way off the radar and for some of us, it is our passion.

I still think of myself as an odd ball. I don't fit into the standard mold. I strove to fit in for half my life and now I hope that I resist this urge for the second half. So far I have managed to walk that line of outward conformity and inner spiritual surety. I don't doubt myself as I did before. I appreciate my uniqueness and what has come of my life because of my faith and soul development. Since retirement I have given myself over to God's Guidance and Will. I want the differences to flourish because a regular life does not appeal to me any more. I like financial security and I strive to live an ordered life but throughout the machinations of my present life is the awareness and acknowledgement of a spiritual foundation. I believe that God's Love has permeated at least the majority of who I am and what I do. With retirement, life has become simpler and the material demands less distracting. I have more time for prayer and meditation. The rhythm of the day is slower and more contemplative. I go with the flow more. With all of these outward changes, a new reality is given more time to bloom from within. I feel closer to God and more attuned and aligned with His Will . My inner joy and peace are more pronounced while my day is more gratifying. I believe that I'm reaping the benefits of having lived a prudent material life manifesting in the form of financial security coupled with hard won spiritual growth. Life is not just good, it's great.

So why do I still struggle? Guidance and communication with the angels is flowing nicely. I'm getting instruction on a regular basis. There does seem to be a plan for the next phase of my life unfolding and revealing itself in bits and pieces. My communion with the Creator is intense and filled with Love . Yet I still have my doubts and my fears as my mind is ever vigilant to discredit this reality. The power of the mind is immense in our world while the potential of the soul is far greater but how much time do we really give to nurturing our souls ? It is supposed to be our passion and our raison d'etre. In many ways it is predominant in my thinking and a good portion of my doing. I cannot say that it is all consuming but certainly more than in the past. Perceptions though continue to be foggy. I see the angels in my minds eye but often only briefly and certainly not as clearly as I would like. Voices are clear and often are providing unambivilant instructions. I'm getting there but am not where I would like to be. My impatience is showing here I know :( . I'm certain that many of you would be happy with anything similar so I realize that I'm sounding a little ungrateful for what I have. I'm also getting a little tangential regarding my topic of discerning guidance.

Guidance has come in many forms in my life. Two discernible forms are through voice communication through me or another medium or from clairaudience . No problem there getting at least the gist of what is being communicated but one must always take into account how the mind of the medium filters the message. Another form which I believe is more soul based ins receiving pictures along with feelings . Its this form which can be dramatic and contain much more information that mere words are capable of conveying. It is also subject to a great deal of interpretation from the mind. Certainly on more than one occasion I've had to back track from an original intent derived from my seemingly clear understanding of my guidance. Of course one learns very quickly by making mistakes in this way. I have also received guidance which contradicts my own desires. This is the hardest form of guidance to follow when it goes against my own ideas regarding what I should do. Lately I have committed to following my guidance no matter how difficult and that is a shift for me. I've had lots of guidance in the past that I have poo pooed and ignored. Following the words of the Angels and obeying God's Will is not always easy. And what further complicates the story is the incessant background mindal message which disbelieves those messages from the soul. They say that eventually the mind of the soul will supersede and dominate the material mind. I long for that day as my soul is gaining more power to influence my thoughts with each day and maybe that day is not far off. So my struggles originate with the dilemma of living a material life governed by an emerging soulful reality. This is a challenge for all of us intent on living our lives on the Divine Path. These dilemmas will face each and every one of you as our souls grow in the love. I'm sure they do for most of you now. It challenges us with a new and different reality. It draws us away from many societal perceptions and creates a different world in our vision. Integrating these two worlds is not easy but in order to function here a necessity. Doubt and skepticism plays a big part in the process. What to believe and what to do with these new perceptions dogs our life path. You can't be casual about such matters. It is often with repeated similar experiences and guidance that real shifts occur. Reality must be validated time and time again as vision and truth blossom in the mind . Validating the truth is a slow and arduous process in this game. Two steps forward and one back. I still greet many bits of guidance with at least some skepticism. My mind is still steering the ship.

As a cautious sort I'm often mulling over what is given before I act. This can be a trap as the mind then has room for its interpretive musings. On the other hand, it is necessary to figure out how to implement guidance and bring it into the physical world. There is a form of guidance which I call being in the Love. One feels the angels close and the condition of Love surrounding you is palpable. When this is the case there is an ease to everything that you do and a knowing of the next step. No hesitations or doubt exist in this flow and this is a most gratifying state of being. I know that souls are touched while operating in this flow. Timing is always harmonious, words are appropriate and the love flows through your being like a river. I have experienced this state many times and have always marveled at the simplicity and power of it. I am not pontificating or preaching the truth of God's Love while being guided in this way but conversations with others are always meaningful. It is always a real and loving connection and something which must have even more significance on a soul level. God works this way and often we don't have any conscious knowledge of it. And sometimes it is better that we don't have this awareness because no doubt we would just get in the way of what is meant to be accomplished. The ego always wants its slice of recognition or be gratified knowing that it is in charge.

With each step forward the soul finds validation and the ego less traction. In whatever way you can be guided and act upon it in love and faith, you have overcome an obstacle which will open yet another opportunity to be that channel of Love that we all desire to be. Successes brings greater confidence. Greater faith through the transformation of the soul compels one to move forward and trust in the wisdom of God's guidance. After many years I have had ample opportunity to observe what can be accomplished through my own will and that of God's Will. There is no comparison and the deep seated fears that you will make mistakes which have embarrassing or hurtful consequences will fade with time and practice. Most of those humiliating mistakes have been the result of ego driven ideals. That gut driven, loving expression born out of soulful guidance rarely steers you wrong.

In writing this post, I have given myself the answers I seek to my own doubtful fears . In the flow of God's Love all will be in harmony with one's actions. In the expression of my own limited ego driven self, the results are paltry indeed. Faith requires trust and a willingness to listen to God's Will for you. This is a struggle which mankind has had to deal with since its beginnings. Every triumph of subverting our will and allowing God's Will to guide us in whatever way is offered is a triumph for humanity. We must all be an example of this in our lives. Its not easy nor is it often comfortable but if you want to change the world you must first change your own world. With an open heart and a willing mind, you can make those leaps of faith which will bear fruit. The faculties of the soul can then open to that wee voice within. Its all a matter of degree and trust. Two steps forward and one back. I hope that we can all do this jig together and find mutual support in the dance. God bless all those who try. Much love.......Al

Re: Interpreting guidance

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:29 pm
by AlFike
Interesting message received from Faith about spiritual gifts and being attuned to God.It certainly relates to what I'm talking about here.


Well, my beloved friends, did I not say that my guidance was correct? (laughs) And indeed you have doubt. And this is understandable considering the obstacles in your place, but God does remove obstacles, open doors, puts those within your path whom are there to assist you, for God uses many instruments in this world. Instruments of Light and many of those instruments are unaware that they are indeed performing a service for their Heavenly Father. Yet their souls are more aware. And this is how you go about your lives so often my friends. You are busy with all the obligations and distractions of this life. Yet God is using you as well, to be His channel of Love, to perform His Will in the world. You are influenced greatly. Each one of you here is influenced every day by God and His angels. And most certainly, you are not aware of a great deal of what is accomplished. And it is not required that you be aware. It is only required that you are close to God, that you make that connection and communion, that you affirm that you are indeed a child of your Heavenly Father. And in that affirmation and commitment, your love for God opens the doors for God to use you in this way.

To walk this path is so simple. And one does not need great gifts of vision, and insight of the spirit. One does not need to be a medium. One does not need all of these gifts that many of you desire. And many of you have, but are not active to any great degree and this is not required. What is required is a willing soul, the soul that loves God and receives God’s Love. And much can be accomplished in this way. This is the foundation. This is what will open up for you in your lives, what it is you most desire to do. And it is faith in the power of this Love, the Power of God’s Will, which will indeed open these doors. And when you pray to your Heavenly Father to be used in the flow of His Will and the Grace of His Love and the Light of His guiding hand, indeed, God will answer your prayers.

And it will not be in ways which your mind anticipates, for no man can plan the unfoldment of God’s plan for salvation for mankind. You are not capable. Even we, in the Celestial Kingdom, cannot formulate God’s plan for the salvation of mankind. We listen, we put aside that part of us that is willful, for indeed that part has long fallen away from us. And for you, my beloveds, it is more difficult. It is more difficult, because you are still dealing with your very human condition. And we understand this. But we know and we see within you another side, another part of you which is your soul. It is all too willing to comply with God’s Will, to put aside the desire to act upon your own mindful understandings of how your life should be conducted. And I beseech each one of you to go deep within, to listen to God from that place and be willing to comply with what is asked of you, my beloveds. And then, as you say, “the games will begin” in earnest, but they are not games. This is real and powerful and beautiful and challenging.

You all need to receive more Truth, more Love to truly understand what I say and each day is an opportunity to grow in this way, to accept God’s Will, to accept the flow in the rhythm and the timing. It is God’s Will and if you do so, you will know the joy of the unfolding wonderment of God’s Will in the world. Nothing will hold you back. You will be caught up in such a flow that it will carry you around the world and you will meet many thousands. You will know the miracles of healing, of inspiration, of vision, of Love. Faith is a difficult thing, because faith counteracts and countermands your will. And you have all been taught to be willful. You value this part of yourselves. You hold on to that place within you that feels that it is in control. And when that feeling goes, there is fear and there is vulnerability, yet when you let this go to God, there is joy and freedom and greater understanding of what is intended in your lives. And your souls then can sing. And you will hear this song, your unique song and you will soar with the angels. It is so simple, so subtle, so powerful.

This is the way of the Divine Path and it is yours, my beloveds, given freely, yours to follow, yours to explore, yours to walk with the sure knowledge that God has His Hand upon you and will ever be there to guide you to your at-onement, your at-onement. That is the ecstasy that awaits. No greater joy, no greater awareness, your eyes fully open, your souls wide and expansive, your minds and your spirits in awe of God and His Creation. Is this not what all of you desire? It is promised and it is worth working towards and it will come to each soul, sincere and open to God’s Great Love. And I pray that each one of you will walk that road and do so quickly and smoothly. For it is our desire that you come to know the Great Ecstasy and fulfillment that comes with this at-onement with God. And your souls so want this, they so desire this and this is the purpose of each soul, to find their at-onement with the Creator.

God bless you. Your friend Faith is ever with you and loves you dearly and I acknowledge my two dear friends, whom I knew on this earth, sincere and beautiful souls who seek the truth and are Lights in this world. God bless you. God bless all of you and thank you.

Re: Interpreting guidance

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:11 pm
by Audley
Thank you so very much Faith and Al. You have brought me back to the True Reality of All.
Much love to you both,

Re: Interpreting guidance

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 12:28 pm
by DennisT
Al, you late bloomer, you :lol:

I couldn't think of anything deep and profound, but I did want to post that I loved what you wrote, and I think your retirement is suiting you well. I don't know if it's me, but is the quality, for lack of a better word, of your spirit messages getting better? The one from Faith was pretty amazing!

By the way, I think the Padgett messages say that your spirit mind doesn't overcome your ego mind for some time, 5th or 7th sphere stuff. Geoff, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Love to all,


Re: Interpreting guidance

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:21 pm
by Geoff
DennisT wrote:By the way, I think the Padgett messages say that your spirit mind doesn't overcome your ego mind for some time, 5th or 7th sphere stuff. Geoff, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Love to all,

Dear Dennis,

Yes that is correct. Although it really says we stop using spirit mind, it fades away. I suspect its probably a 7th sphere thingie.


Re: Interpreting guidance

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:08 am
by AlFike
Thanks Audley , Dennis and Geoff for your comments. Dennis, I suppose what I'm talking about is the taming and eventual fading away of the ego. Like any spiritual process, it is a gradual letting go and an evolution of perspective. I'm certainly not anywhere near that state of having my material mind absorbed into my soul mind. This probably wont happen while I'm here in the flesh. I only know of one guy who accomplished this on earth and that was 2,000 years ago. But it is a goal worth pursuing . It is that revolution and evolution within our beings that is the result of the transformative love which will bring these subtle and remarkable changes. I'm only a few steps on that eternal road but already I feel different and changed within. I know that there is so much more to come. We can all witness here for each other what those changes are and how they affect every part of our beings and lives. We're all brothers and sisters on this remarkable journey. Thanks again for your comments guys. I appreciate the feedback. Much love.......Al

Re: Interpreting guidance

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:43 pm
by Geoff
AlFike wrote:I suppose what I'm talking about is the taming and eventual fading away of the ego. Like any spiritual process, it is a gradual letting go and an evolution of perspective.
Dear Al,

Through other sources I believe it has been confirmed that the "ego" is you, and won't ever be lost, its not something that needs to be destroyed, merely "tamed".


Re: Interpreting guidance

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:41 pm
by Terry Adler
Dear Al, (and Geoff, Dennis and Audley)

What you write moves me, Al. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and struggles in a way I can resonate with.
When you ask "how much time do we really give to nurturing our souls?" the question pierces my heart.
For me also, growing closer to our Creator is the central purpose of my life.
For me too, when I am in the flow of His Love, Love guides my soul, my thoughts and actions.
Staying the in the flow of His Love is the challenge.

I see your topic "interpreting guidance" as having two parts. The first is "how do we receive and recognize our guidance?" while the second is "how do we interpret what we recognize as guidance?".

Again, the key to answering both questions is finding ways of nurturing our souls, strengthening our souls, since it is our soul that both receives the guidance and tells us when our interpretation is correct.

We do each have different ways of receiving guidance, and different signals from our souls that tell us whether our interpretations are correct or not. We can be helpful to one another simply because we do have different "modalities" through which guidance comes and different ways of confirming our interpretations of our guidance.

I am appreciating more and more what a blessing it is to have personal relationships with others actively seeking Divine Love, because through these, I am learning so much about diverse soul gifts, about the many ways in which our Creator "speaks" to us and the different strategies people use to evaluate their guidance. Sometimes I learn not so much through people putting these things into words, but by observing their behaviour or hearing their stories.

Our Forum is a marvellous place of learning too, largely because of the quality of posts such as this one of yours, Al, which helps each of us look within to ask ourselves the same questions you ask of yourself. Personally, I came up with the same answer as you did, which is to continue to nurture my soul through seeking the Love, believing that is the way to activate my soul gifts, my soul knowing and soul guidance.

I am so grateful we are on this journey together, all of us!

Re: Interpreting guidance

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:49 am
by AlFike
Thanks Terry for your insightful response. You and I have been on this path together for many years so it is understandable that we would see eye to eye so to speak. We're both very different personalities and have lived our own unique lives but it is in intersecting with one another throughout our lives that God has blessed us with a gift. That gift of witnessing and observing how we 'interpret' the guidance given . Through our examples to one another and from others around us, we have learned powerful lessons and gleaned knowledge that might not otherwise be available so readily. Our small community has served as a crucible for our growth and support. Our dogged and dedicated time together for prayer each week continues to be a focus of our lives. We are committed to see each other through this life and to engage, love and support one another. This sort of loyalty can only come as a benefit of the Love because from a human perspective it is unlikely that such friendships would have lasted considering the differences which we all posses . Birds of a feather flock together but our plumage has evolved to reflect similarities and down play differences because of the activation of the Love within. We became family and within that grouping we turned to one another to affirm our spiritual path and to support one another in life. We were not perfect in our so very human ways and sometimes grew apart but God always brought us together again to renew our bonds and commitment. A commitment that I believe will last eternally.

What we were given because God brought us together is a rare and precious gift. It withstood the pressures of forty years of life together. It brought many blessings our way and more than a few challenges but I would not have changed a thing. So few on this path have experienced anything similar. How we were so lucky to have had this in our lives is astounding and an affirmation of God's great Care for us.I believe that we are trying to recreate something similar on this site. Our orientation is to create family and to be inclusive. The machinations of adjusting to and accepting one another over the years has helped us to be tolerant and forgiving. Many strengths and gifts have come from our persistent loyalty. You and Barb, Bert and Shirley, Judy and all the others who have passed through the doorway of our spiritual family have all given me so much. Now many others are a part of this circle. It expands and enfolds us in a warmth and love which is palpable. I think that this is how we are going to expand in the future. As each soul enters the fold, they will feel the recognition, acceptance and love that is meant for all souls. As we grow in the Love, we will express it in this way and in many other ways. The journey continues. Much love to dear sister.........Al

Re: Interpreting guidance

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:02 am
by AlFike
Thanks Geoff for your comments. Ego has many interpretations. In my mind it is the active expression of the mind. It is willful and self directed. Maybe in your mind it is that which is behind the expression of the self. Either way, that part of us which is ego is bound to be transformed by the Love,. My hope is that my willful self will give over to God's Will and that my life will be God directed rather than self directed. I'm a long way off from this ideal but baby steps my friend. Each day brings something to help me along. I hope this clears up any differences of opinion that we may discuss. I'm certainly willing to accept your definition over mine. Much love to you brother.......Al