Another Year Goes By

A forum for Al to post his musings
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Another Year Goes By

Post by AlFike »

'I'm sitting here contemplating the events of the past year as the sun slowly climbs over the ridge across the waters by my home. Another day begins and this is next to last of the year 2014. Time for review and looking forward in anticipation of the coming year. Time passes so very quickly but the most stringent marker of its passing is the telling weaknesses of my body as it begins its slow journey to eventual failure. Hopefully the journey will be slow but each year brings a few more challenges and functional flaws. I'm not old yet but it surely is around the corner and I can see that old age may bring wisdom but the body seems to get heavier as that fight with gravity gets tougher ( not to mention the battle with the expanding waist line :shock: ). My soul on the other hand feels more buoyant and light. Life is full of such paradoxes eh :!: .

It has been quite a year. A year full of changes for Jeanne and I and some deep disappointments. Over all, I would not have missed any of it as each day brought revelations, adventures and learning opportunities. We have met some wonderful new friends, we continue to make connections with beautiful souls all over this planet and the sweetness of retirement brings such a sense of freedom and a flow to life which allows for so many new and creative possibilities . The disappointment over our Blackpool adventure has faded and a deeper understanding of how God works in our lives is emerging from this situation. I now see that destiny is a fluid thing rather than ordained script waiting to be played out. Life is fluid and always changing as the world evolves and responds with each act and thought manifested within this physical plain. Sure the physics and the immutable laws of our existence here act with consistency and rarely are these elements affected by we mere humans but the interplay that is inherent in each of our lives makes for a multiplicity of possibilities and outcomes.

In the beginning of this year I thought rather incorrectly that my future role as a spiritual leader was sealed with an arrangement with the WHC. Papers were signed and arrangements made. We were on a roll and it felt exciting and very new. I'm sure that you all got tired of hearing about it here. I was brimming with thoughts of what the future would bring and a new life in a different country which both terrified and excited me. Not only did I give up my old career and home in the city, I also gave up a deep need to be in control of my life. Taking this leap of faith was scary yet the spiritual reinforcement I received from the Creator and the angels was undeniable and potent. So I went with it and abandoned my usual cautious approach. The stars appeared in alignment and there was no holding back from this completely unexpected turn of events. Unfortunately one star was not in alignment and that was one which I naively did not consider too important. That old and righteous element which asserts control and authority on all of us called government did not agree with our plans and in time they put a full stop to it. Our hopes dashed because I for one did not fully take into account the processes required to gain access to the UK. This blind spot which we all seemed to have to one degree or another kept the best laid plans of mortals and angels from becoming a reality; at least for now as things continue to play out with appeals. My response to this was anger and disillusionment. My trust in myself and my guidance was extremely damaged and for a short time I considered abandoning my work with spirit. It was a dark time indeed. One of the darkest in my life. Although I never lost my faith in God and the Divine Love, I felt like my world so painstakingly built through prayer and soul yearning was turned upside down. My guides were still present with every meditation and prayer, their presence felt and known to me but my desire to hear their words and acknowledge their guidance was not there. I'm sure that they continued to speak to me but in a different way. During those meditations I would often go somewhere else and wake up from what appeared to be a deep sleep but I believe that it was my spirit body leaving to go elsewhere so that my conscious mind was not interfering with our communications. It was an odd time indeed and in retrospect necessary in order to reach a deeper understanding about guidance and free will.

Since that trying time God has nurtured me along the path Divine in wonderful ways. In time I gained clarity and greater strength of perception and in soul wisdom. On the continuum I'm sure this does not mean I have become wiser in extraordinary ways, just in ordinary ways, especially concerning the workings of the world since I think that I have turned learning things the hard way into a fine art :? . Thank God that He and His angels are always loving and patient. They have quite the ongoing project with me :oops: .

Blackpool was not the only big project of the year. We also travelled to Caloundra Australia for a Divine Love retreat, drove down to southern California to visit Dennis and Suzie, Arizona to pray with Joseph Babinsky( Dennis & Suzy included) and went to the Divine Love retreat in Washington DC.. We had some lovely prayers in California with Marga, Joan, Judy and Holly. . We met some absolutely wonderful people in Australia as well. James and Paula Reed were fast friends as we prayed and talked together for several days. Others like the two Brians, one a media/ techie guy and the other the Bishop were delightful and full of surprises. I was intrigued to meet a few others there who seem to know me well from our forum but I had no idea about them. A rather weird but wonderful discovery. Our time there was well spent and forged some very important connections. Despite the very long flights from Vancouver to Brisbane, we came away from this retreat with deeper appreciation of what others are doing to further the work of spreading the knowledge of Divine Love further afield and a spiritual upliftment which we deeply needed at the time. We met some very committed people there and of course Geoff is the champion . His dedication remains to be matched by anyone I've met. Thank God for his tenacity and consistency. The world needs more like him. Washington was as expected a highlight since never before have so many Divine Love followers been in one place . More beautiful souls came into our lives and friendships formed as we prayed and shared this time together.

Last summer we had Tim O'Higgins and his family over from Ireland as our guests for three weeks. This was a lovely time of getting to know Tim and his wife Merrie and son Timmy better. We traveled to various places and up to Alaska together. We had deep meditations and discussions. They were a gift as we waited for our UK visas to be approved. A bond was forged there that I think will never be broken.

In the Fall we were graced with the presence of Dennis and Suzie from California. They were on a mission to cement their relationship with the ties of matrimony and Jeanne and I were privileged to assist them in doing so. We had a wonderful celebratory time together and our prayers were full and rich in Divine Love and angelic presence. We were all in the flow of the Fathers Love and it carried us for days afterwards.

Throughout the year we have kept an eye on our forum message board, continued to convene divine Love prayer gatherings and made plans for upcoming events. I'm presently attempting to write a book about the history of Divine Love which is going well. We have tried to maintain contact with many of you and Jeanne especially has made a lot of effort to stay in touch via email and Facebook. We are such a disparate group geographically that without the magic of the internet, none of this would be possible. Our family continues to grow and strengthen. New members to this forum are trickling in and some have joined into the conversation with hearty contributions. We are now planning trips to California, Tampa Florida , New York and Namibia to gather for prayers with our Divine Love friends in these places. That will be in February and March of 2015. We are also planning to have a retreat here in Gibsons similar to the one that we had a few years back. The coming year is shaping up to be another full and active one.

As I contemplate the possibilities for the future, my sense is that we are plodding along with our efforts to spread the word of Divine Love but that these efforts are within the confines of our individual comfortable lives and most of us are not altogether willing to stretch beyond these limitations. I've been reading the book The Zealot about Jesus's life and the challenges that he faced trying to further his mission on earth. They were mainly political as most of the world at the time lived under the dictates of the Roman Empire. The Romans were brutal in their retribution towards anyone who defied their rule. Coupled with this were the dictates of the Jewish religion which at the time were as severe and demanding as any religion of today. Jesus had an uphill battle from the beginning. Yet he managed to make his mark and fulfill his Divine mandate but as we all know it did not end well for him. Now we are faced with different challenges and life demands a lot from us as we struggle to maintain the material status quo . Coupled with this is a society more concerned with material pleasures and distractions than anything that goes deeper into explorations of the spiritual. God is loosing favor with every day that passes. In humanities lust for material gain we are eroding the natural balance of the earth not to mention our own spiritual well being. We all seem to be drifting further away from that original intention by God to have us live a Divinely beautiful and harmonious life. We also have a very uphill battle not only to maintain our own spiritual equilibrium but to spread the word of Divine Love elsewhere. This dilemma is on my mind often as I contemplate my future. My commitment to God is to be an emissary of this truth wherever I go for this last chapter in my life. My actual accomplishments in this regard are meager compared to what I believe is needed. Jesus got out there and interacted with the people unconcerned about his safety and what others might think. He walked in faith and trust in his Heavenly Father. He abandoned his old life in order to accomplish his mission and vision. Maybe this is what is required from those of us committed to this journey? Do we need to let go of a life built upon the foundations of man made values and norms? The thought of this may make many of you wonder about my sanity but I must say that for dynamic things to happen one must express themselves in dynamic ways. Without some radical thinking and doing, I believe that we will continue to limp along as we have attracting a handful of interested and committed souls but these truths may never be known outside of a privileged few if there is no attempt to communicate in a powerful way.

We have all made sincere and beautiful contributions to furthering spiritual truths and helping others. To deny this is not my intention. Rather I want to encourage all of you to continue as you have to do the Fathers Will in your lives. I think that the obstacles that we all face in this desire to be of service lay within the limitations of our minds as they relate to the desires of our souls. So much of our perceptions are filtered and edited by our mental understandings given to us by our schooling and general uptake of knowledge as we go about our business. Much of this is required in order for us to get along in the world. No doubt the world that God wants us to co-create here would be unrecognizably different and much, much better but alas we are stuck with what we have at present. My question is ; are we just supposed to nibble away at this gargantuan effort to change the conditions of the world or is something more powerful meant for us to enact? Is there some plan which will turn the world on its head and force us to start anew and will we all have a role to play in the reconstruction? Ah to know the answers to these burning questions would go a long way in appeasing my own feeling of restlessness and anxiousness to get going . Of course much of these feelings also stem from my mind and its demanding ego so at least I recognize the struggle I'm in and also know that I could choose to let it go if I so desired. On the other hand, my soul knows that there is something going on now in the world which will bring big changes to all of us. I will even go out on a limb and say that the coming year may be the last one in which all our valued institutions and ways of life may stand. After that I can only speculate on what may come of our comfortable lives although I'm not suggesting total collapse, just a lot of obvious erosion taking place. Along with that I also know that what will arise will be better and more harmonious. It's just that the adjustment period will be challenging to say the least. The times they are a changing folks.

Sorry if I scared anyone here. More than likely I have convinced some that my judgment is a little off. :| .As you might surmise, my feelings about going into the coming year are very mixed and a little uneasy. Whatever happens, its important to acknowledge that we are in God's Care and Protection and this may be our most valuable asset in years to come. The world of man may be inconsistent and intransigent but the reality of God's presence and care will never fail you. His Love is ever present and powerful. Our prayers for this world and for each other will help to ease the pain in many ways. What we do beyond that is a chapter yet to be written and I'm sure that we will all be guided to do what we are meant to do as long as we are open to it. In the mean time may you have a very happy and celebratory New Year. Jeanne and I along with some close friends plan to bring it in with a prayer and lovely dinner. May you all be in God's Grace for the coming year. With love.......Al
Endless journey,endless Love.
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Re: Another Year Goes By

Post by jeanne »

Whew! My long-winded husband has shared a lot here....including the depth of his disappointment and some of the challenges we have faced this past year! Like Al, I would not want to miss any of these lessons as God and The Angels have upheld us every step of The Way. Yes, it's been a year filled with learning. For all of you, our blessed friends on earth and in spirit, we are grateful!

We invite visitors to this forum to post the highlights of your experiences on the Divine Path! (Joseph, what you posted on Facebook was a good read for me!!).

Happy New Year and God Bless us all in 2015! Love and light, Jeanne :P
Stay centered in Divine Love and expect miracles to happen!
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Re: Another Year Goes By

Post by Eva »

Hello Al and Jeanne,

I enjoyed Al's review of your eventful year and wow! what a year you have had -- full of both joys and disappointments, but that's life. I like how both of you look at challenges in such a positive way -- despite the pain that they may bring. It reminds me of a discussion I was having with someone about a week ago to the effect that happiness is not in circumstances, but rather is an inner state. There are several passages in the Bible that teach us firstly to not be surprised when we encounter challenges, and secondly to view them positively, because they promote growth in us which is more valuable than physical comfort. I'll paste them here:
Romans 5:2-8
2 Cor 4:16-18
Philippians 4:4-8
1 Peter 1:6
James 1:2-4
Hebrews 10:34
Also in O.T. -- Psalm 31:7 and 33:18-22

On this same topic of being happy despite external circumstances, there is a best-selling book by Marci Shimoff called "Happy for No Reason." One of her quotes is:
"When you’re Happy for No Reason, you bring happiness to your outer experiences rather than trying to extract happiness from them. You don’t need to manipulate the world around you to try to make yourself happy. You live from happiness, rather than for happiness."~ Marci Shimoff, "Love for No Reason"

I also like the concept of
destiny is a fluid thing rather than ordained script waiting to be played out. Life is fluid and always changing as the world evolves and responds with each act and thought manifested within this physical plane. Sure the physics and the immutable laws of our existence here act with consistency and rarely are these elements affected by us mere humans but the interplay that is inherent in each of our lives makes for a multiplicity of possibilities and outcomes.
You have the ability to use words in a way that really expresses complex concepts in a succinct way.

Regarding the body-soul paradox that Al mused about, here is a good text to contemplate: "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

You are both about to embark on a big adventure that will no doubt be mused about at the end of 2015. May everything go as well as possible, may the challenges you'll encounter not be overwhelming, and may you come back with a feeling of accomplishment, as well as being enriched in wisdom, insights, compassion and love.

Love and blessings,
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Re: Another Year Goes By

Post by AlFike »

Thank you Eva for your thoughtful and loving response. I don't anticipate 2015 to be such a dramatic year as the last one but who knows? There are so many possibilities inherent in these days of dedication to do God's work in whatever way we are called to do so. I'm sure that you and Alex feel the same way about your lives. Its all one big spiritual adventure and each experience whether challenging or gratifying and usually both adds to our own soul growth and inner enhancement. The process of letting go and letting God is such a learning process and building faith is a lifelong journey as the Love builds slowly in our souls. I feel that now is time to dedicate myself to service because in many ways my life has been lived in relation to my own goals and aspirations. God was there but not necessarily put first as my mind had firm control over my destiny. Now my life is in some ways turned upside down with this commitment and that free fall which comes from letting go can sometimes feel scary. As a 60 year old man, my socialization ensured that I must take firm control of my life in order to be a success in the eyes of others and myself. Acknowledging that such control is unnecessary and a hindrance to my soul progression has been my challenge and inner battle. I know that wonders await in my inner spiritual journey if I can allow myself the vulnerability and humility to allow God to guide my travels. I glimpse these things often but to be immersed in the experience and allow the Divine consciousness to be clear and present is the next step in my estimation. The emergence of the soul mind or consciousness is the ultimate goal and promise. So the last while has been a clearing time in many ways and an attempt to confront the barriers to my coming to that place of awareness. As much as I would like things to just fall into place, I'm sure the process will be gradual and somewhat halting as it unfolds. That's the way it usually happens.

I do feel that I have grown in the past year and that is being reflected in my demeanor and my attitudes towards what life has to offer. I'm feeling stronger as I let go more and allow God to guide me. My feelings of joy have increased and my tolerance towards those inevitable difficulties which come in a life well lived has increased. My faith in my Loving Creator and His gift of Love never wavered even in those dark times of doubt. My faith in myself was shaken but that transformed into the realization that the old self needed serious realignment. That process continues and I am willing to go there where in the past I was resistant or oblivious. This Divine Path is not for the faint of heart :shock: . One needs to be vigilant, self aware and completely honest in order to overcome those inevitable barriers which stand in our way. Knowing that each one of us is in God's Loving Care and guidance is what makes that journey possible and without the daily ministrations from our angel friends, I think that I would be very far off course. We are so blessed to be in that light and care. May God ever guide us to that place of atonement and supreme joy. Thank you Eva for encouraging me on that journey. I know that you share the road with me as do so many. We'll all get there some day. Much love.....Al
Endless journey,endless Love.
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