Story of the Ear Ring

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Story of the Ear Ring

Post by AlFike »

I thought that I would share this little story of faith because it tells a lot about how the angels work.

We have a beautiful ten year old girl in our lives named Mary. We were introduced to her when she was eight months old with the pretext that she was our granddaughter from our son Eric. Her mother has multiple life challenges and our son had a relationship with her for awhile. Through circumstances he lost touch with her but was told by a mutual friend that he was a father and that he had better go see the mother. This rekindled their relationship but soon things went awry and he left once again. . Because of the dysfunctional life they were leading he wanted to take 'his daughter' with him. He went to court and as part of the process a paternity test was ordered. Consequently he discovered that he was not Mary's father. Mary continues to live with her mother and that is not without its challenges but there is love there as well and because of that Jeanne and I support the relationship.

Throughout this tumultuous ride, Jeanne and I continued to offer support to both Mary and her mother. Mary calls our son Dad and us Granny and Grandpa. We are all very happy to be these significant players in her life. We are family whether blood proves it or not. Family grows from the heart and through loving interaction and being there as a constant. For all but a small part of her life Jeanne and I have been there for Mary and her mom. She comes to stay with her grandparents on a regular basis. She calls it her days off since often Mary is called upon to parent her mother. She is wise beyond her years and has a very sharp mind. Circumstances have taught her to be very observant and she reads people like an open book. She is often happy and loves to sing, especially when she is in 'her room' by herself. I think that when she is here, she can be just a child and enjoys the freedom from care taking her brain injured mother.

Mary's circumstances are far from ideal on any level but she is fiercely protective of her mother and they are a duo which take on life challenges together. Because of Mary's resourcefulness and intelligence, she can figure things out when needed. Her mother gives her her full attention and love so there is a somewhat healthy symbiotic relationship happening. I do wonder about those teen years coming up however when rebellion is in the air. But that is a few years away and I'm sure that we will be there to support whatever comes from these dynamics. Life is full of challenges but compared to Mary and her mother, many of us are on easy street.

My story of the ear ring starts with an impromptu visit by Mary to our home in Gbsons. We picked her up in order to go visit her Dad and decided to bring her home that night for an overnight visit. Mary had not been over for some time since we were anticipating leaving at any minute to go to Blackpool once our visas were approved. She was excited to come and was good as gold. She was very chatty and was most proud of her ear piercing which had real gold circular ear rings in each one. Her mother had given them to her as a gift of love and she felt so grown up with them on. Jeanne almost always takes her swimming in the local indoor pool and they did just that the next day. Mary had a great day and was happy as a clam,. She stayed the next night and we had arranged for her mother to come and get her on a morning ferry. When Mary awoke to get ready to return home she discovered that one of her prized ear rings was missing. She looked everywhere in her room but could not find them. She asked for my help and together we tore the room apart. No ring to be found. I assumed that she lost it at the public pool but she assured me that she had them both on when she went to bed. I was flummoxed and she was very worried about telling her mother what had happened. My judgment side was grumbling that 10 year olds don't need to be wearing expensive jewelry. Jeanne took her to the ferry terminal to meet her mom and as expected the mom threw a gasket in front of all those waiting to board the ferry. Mary was stone silent but took the abuse that was heaped upon her. Thank God Jeanne was there to deflect most of it but there was no doubt about mom's displeasure. We all felt bad about the circumstances but hoped there may be a happy ending and the ring would turn up in time.

Every morning since our retirement, Jeanne and I sit down and pray for divine Love for an hour. This ritual has become the highlight of our day and a great way to start it off. A few days after the ear ring incident, Jeanne's sister Judy and our neighbor Betty came over to join us in our morning prayer. Jeanne specifically asked that the angels help us to locate the lost ear ring. We had a beautiful healing hour together and we all continued on with our day. The next morning Jeanne for no particular reason walked into Mary's room. Her eyes lit onto Mary''s bed and saw the ring dead center. The very same bed that Mary and I tore apart and shook out each item . We took the mattress off and looked all around and under the bed with no luck. Yet the ear ring showed up a few days later and Jeanne was impressed to go in and see it there. We all felt that it was an answer to prayer and so it was. Goldie, a spirit in our band of angels who died as a young girl and often comes to us gave us this message at our last prayer group. Here it is:

Your prayers were answered the other day, and I put the ring on the bed. Our dear
sweet soul who worries for her mother, her mother who is in such pain. And we gave
her this gift to allay her worries, and we do look after these dear souls who live a difficult
life. And it is so important for you, beloveds, to give her the gift of this relief from her
pain and her difficulties at home, and to be loving and tolerant, kind, and teach her that
she is loved and valued. Yes, we bring joy to our little charge, and she sings with joy
when she receives the gifts of healing and love, surrounded by the angels. God bless
you, beloveds. Goldie loves you. Blessings of joy for you all. For you are all beautiful
lights, and you bring your lights together to make one beautiful light that rises to the
Heavens, brings the angels in your midst. And your souls, as they long for the Love,
sing together in harmony. Blessings to you, beloveds, beautiful souls, my beautiful
friends on earth. Joy to you, love to you, healing and peace. God bless you. Goldie
loves you.

I have been going through a difficult time of late. The great disappointment of not receiving our visas so that we can do the work that we have been guided to do in Blackpool has thrown me for a loop. To be honest, I've been questioning everything and that has been an unhappy reality in my life right now. The presence of the ear ring not only assured Mary of her being cared for by the angels but also something broke within me that was angry and disillusioned. I once again started to listen to my guidance and opened the door to what our angel friends were saying. Since then, not more than a few days have passed and I have been getting a great deal of help in planning a way to fight our ruling. We can file an appeal within 28 days of receiving our documents. I feel renewed hope and a new vigor to my faith. I'm once again on track and in harmony. My soul is leaping for joy. God always brings us back on track. He does so in the most intriguing ways. The Blackpool venture has challenged us to step up in greater faith and I see now that each step has brought rewards in soul growth and expanded consciousness. I would certainly prefer to sidestep the difficult parts but we do live in this world which is full of obstacles and challenges. I feel like I have passed a test here. Our fate is still unknown but like the lost ear ring, you never know what the angels can accomplish as long as it is for the greater good. I would love to hear about your stories which have tested your faith only to have increased it in the end. Much love to you........Al

PS: If you want to read the other messages received the other night, please go to the 'Messages" section of the forum under the date Oct. 20/14 They also talk about having faith.
Endless journey,endless Love.
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Re: Story of the Ear Ring

Post by DennisT »

Hello Al,
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story about Mary. I could just picture Mary in my mind's eye, all aglow in her precious new earrings. She must have felt horrible having lost one, and I can only imagine the earful she received when going home to her mother.

However, what a wonderful turn of events and the very real,tangible help from our friends in Spirit! :D If we were present when the earring was returned to Mary, we could have witnessed the joy and happiness of having this gift returned to her.

But think of all the things that Spirit does for us directly, on our behalf, and we never "see it with our own eyes", and we fail to appreciate everything that they do for us here on earth. We are truly blessed, and we must remind ourselves on a daily basis that we are surrounded by spirit guides, Angels, the Master and the Love of our Heavenly Father, all pulling for us, praying for us, loving us. We must remember we are never alone, and we should thank our spirit friends and angels for everything they do for us.

Yes Garth Brooks may have "Friends in Low Places", but we have Friends in the highest of Places! :lol: :lol:
I too have been disgruntled lately as I've been trying to short sale my home, and the bank keeps losing the paperwork. This has been going on since July, and the bank has recently replied that since they didn't have all the paperwork, I am no longer qualified to receive the transitional assistance (moving money to hire a truck and get your belongings out.) I spent all of last night gathering all the paperwork together, again, to resubmit to the bank (some 28 pages!).

In coming to the forum today and reading this real life example of how one small effort in Love has such tremendous ripples in many lives, I am reminded of the Glory of our Loving Father, and how He has surrounded us with His Angels and others from Spirit to help us through the struggles of the human condition we call daily life. :mrgreen: Things happen for a reason: God's plan!

Thank you again, Al, this was just what the doctored ordered... or more appropriately, just what the Father has gifted us with.

Love and hugs to all,
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Re: Story of the Ear Ring

Post by Kristy »

What a wonderful story. Thanks so much, Al, for sharing it. With Love, Kristy
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Re: Story of the Ear Ring

Post by jeanne »

Thank you, Dennis, for your loving post, and THANK YOU for hosting Mary, Al & I, plus our 2 adult nieces at your house when we all went to Disneyland last New Year's! And Suzie for taking Mary to Sea World! Suzy won Mary's heart and we are THRILLED she had the amazing adventure at your home, in your swimming pool and all around southern California! She will remember that special time we all spent together for the rest of her life!! She understands the power of prayer and the possibility of remaining connected spiritually and in love, with others who live in far off places! (Mary has had Skype meetings with Geoff in Australia, Tim in Ireland and Elizabeth in NYC!!). Kristy, I hope you meet Mary next summer! You will love her too!!! :lol: Mary has been enveloped in love and has been shown what healthy, loving, positive life styles can be like! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reaching out to Mary! Thank you for keeping her steadfast in your prayers! Love Jeanne :D
Stay centered in Divine Love and expect miracles to happen!
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Re: Story of the Ear Ring

Post by DennisT »

You are so welcome, Jeanne, it was our pleasure to have little Mary come and visit. Yes, I thought I had a little mermaid in my pool because she enjoyed it for hours and hours. I also got a kick out of her playing the Wii bowling game on the big TV.
Mary is so lucky to have Al and yourself as loving granarent figures in her life.

I'm sure Goldie is with Mary often, and I was wondering if you talk to Mary about praying, spirits, or the Father's Love for all? Or is she still too young for such discussions? I know growing up Catholic we were surely indoctrinated with the prayers of our time. I must have said thousands of "Hail Mary's" and scores of the Lord's Prayer, and at such a young age, not really knowing what they meant.

Anyone else want to chime in about your spirit experiences, or how about your guardian Angels?

Love and hugs for now,
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Marga M.
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Re: Story of the Ear Ring

Post by Marga M. »

Dear Al,

Thank you for sharing this beautiful story about the ear ring, and about your own struggles and triumphs this month. Wow, it's is amazing how circumstances come up that lead us back to our heavenly Father's Love and compassion for His children. Yes, this month has been rough for a lot of us, as I'v shared with you in PM, that I've had to just come in closer to Him and dive into the ocean of His Love and guidance right now. (paraphrased) It's more than a notion to learn how to bounce back when life throws you a wrench into our plans. So, happy to hear about the angels that have not only come to your rescue but also have given you reassurance that you are NOT ALONE in this on so many levels. Happy too to learn that you now have the desire to keep up the fight about the Blackpool situation. And like with the ear ring, you see that prayer is very important in moving forward in getting that situation resolved in your favor. For example, you and Mary had torn the room up looking for that ear ring, but to no avail. Then after group prayer, Jeanne is led into the room and the ear ring is in plane sight! :D Yes, the Angels did come to the rescue. This encouraged and strengthened you too -- so that you had renewed hope. ;)

Dear Dennis,

For all the hard work, dedication and involvement that you and Suzie have been doing since joining the Divine Love community with Jeanne and Al and FCNB, etc. I'm praying that our heavenly Father will reward you in a big and powerful way in regards to trying to do the short sell, etc. to show you that there are real benefits to being of service to Him and Jesus and the entire Celestial Kingdom. Over the years, I've known Him to be a very great rewarder for those that love, serve and honor Him. And no matter how He does it, YOU will know that His hand is in it for your greatest good because He can and will do up and beyond what we mortals can ask and think! :mrgreen:

Dear DLSF family,

Please forgive me for not posting more often this month, and not staying up to date on your all of the various prayer requests. But after reading many of the posts, I see that I'm not alone with in life's difficulties, etc. And YES, it is important to stay connected and be able to pray with and for each other even when we are low because the collective prayers of the many due make a difference. Plus, it gives us the comfort and peace to know that we ALL are in need of the Creator's guidance, Divine Love, assistance and protection -- We are in HIS FAMILY. And a family that prays together, will hopefully, stay together.

Much love and respect to all of the family,

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Re: Story of the Ear Ring

Post by DennisT »

Thank you, Marga! Your prayers are greatly appreciated, and I apprecitae you!! We are so blessed to have this community of friends who are supporting each other with prayers in our times of need.

I think I will double my prayer efforts whenever I notice an absence of one of our regular posters. I'm thinking tones are probably so tied up with the material world and the human condition that they could use the extra prayers! :D

With love and hugs to all,

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Re: Story of the Ear Ring

Post by Marga M. »

Dear Dennis,

You are so welcome and I appreciate your encouraging words of praying for those that you've not seen on the forum lately, because we are all in this together. However, many times things are happening that take our time up so that we can't make it here as often as we would like to.

BTW: Please know your housing situation is very common especially since 2008 and many people have been going through it too. However, I'm here to tell you that many of my own friends and relatives that have been experiencing similar situations have gotten heavenly help in being able to work things out -- even when it looked pretty dark in the natural. Yes, as Madonna might say, "we live in a material world and many of us are material girls (or in your case boy)." So be of good cheer, and keep up your good works and praying. ;) Our heavenly Father knows what we have to go through in this physical and material world. He is not blinded to our struggles -- and is ever ready and willing to help us by sending His Angels to our rescue. :D

Much love and respect to you and Suzie my brother,

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Re: Story of the Ear Ring

Post by brian_holmes »

It's a beautiful story, Al. You and Jeanne are this girl and her mother's earthly angels. And what an incredible display of the power of prayer. It's also quite cool when you can find out who the helpful angel in spirit is.


Brian Holmes
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