Channeled history of James and Helen Padgett

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Re: Channeled history of James and Helen Padget

Post by AlFike »

Wow, thank you all for your encouragement, appreciation and your love. I am overwhelmed and humbled by your comments. Terry, what you have said here is the perfect follow up to the messages conveyed. Yes, we are all human and struggle with the 'human condition' daily. Also my mediumship is imperfect and subject to varying degrees of success. My condition is not always optimal, my mind can be burdened with all kinds of concerns or obsessions. My emotions fraught with worries, fears and insecurities. Honestly, how spirit can come through at all with all of these impediments is a wonder and I dare say a testament to the power of Divine Love. Yes, I am either very brave or very fool hearty to attempt this form of communication and there is always a fine line between the two. In doing so, I am a target to some and a friend and helper to others. Reassuredly, the love and support given to me by many is far greater than those who are detractors. I am blessed with many friends in this community and am grateful for this gift of love. If you want to read more about my thoughts and feelings regarding contemporary mediumship in the DL movement please refer to a recent post on this forum titled 'my take on mediumship'.

I have received, on this forum, via email and even through facebook a great deal of feed back regarding these messages. I must admit that part of me is thrilled with the acknowledgement and part of me is a little uneasy. Some of it has not been accepting or positive but the majority reflects what has been said here. There have been many messages brought through me and posted on this site that have received far less attention and reaction. It seems that the earthiness of what was said by James and Helen stirred many and intrigued everyone who read them. The messages derived in our prayer/sits have had a more subdued effect. Yet I think the usual messages have far more importance than J & H's stories. Yes, the messages from Confucius, Andrew, Jesus, John, Isaiah, Mary ,Serreta Kem, Goldie and many others often convey the same things just in different words and context but they do speak of more important matters for our soul growth. I do see this recent set of messages as a gift and I'm sure it has a purpose and place in the flow of things so I'm not trying to denigrate them in any way. I'm just curious about why this causes such a stir while so many others do not. Maybe it is a matter of being served vanilla ice cream over and over and when chocolate arrives on the plate, it is a treat.

Terry, who has known me even longer than my own wife, can attest to my human frailties. I'm sure that over the decades we have known and witnessed each other's lives, all has been revealed. The good, bad and the ugly. A true friend sees all of our warts and still loves us and Terry you are indeed a true friend. I can certainly rely on you for honest and constructive feed back and I often do. I have tried to be as honest as I can, possibly more than I should, on this site. For those who do not know me well, I am more comfortable being in the background rather than the forefront. I am not the guy at the party proudly wearing the lamp shade. I'm the guy in the corner talking with someone quietly. So you can imagine how uncomfortable it is for me to be one of the central figures in this community and from what I can tell, this is only the beginning. I have prayed to be used in service to God for most of my life. What I didn't realize is that meant being out there in surprising ways. I didn't ask to be a medium. I was asked to perform this task and I cautiously accepted. It has brought me to the forefront as one who is connected in this way. My ambivalence towards this role still remains with me. My ambivalence towards posting these recent messages was intense as I do not fully trust my gifts. This is a growing, evolving process that, if you would ask any medium, does involve vulnerability and risk. Although it is not frowned upon here, it certainly is in the wider world. Many of us engaged in this work try to keep a low profile. I don't seem to be able to do so as I am certainly garnering lots of attention, at least today anyway. All I ask is that you accept that whatever comes through is inherently flawed as am I. I believe that my gifts will grow and expand as my soul grows with the inflowing of God's Love. I don't know if the material posted here is a one off but I have the suspicion that it is not. So I'm anticipating many more risky ventures in the expression of my gifts. I also anticipate that they may stir the pot at times. This lamp shade of mine is part blessing, part curse but all good in the evolution of my soul and being.

Again, I wish to thank you all for your encouraging words . May you all open to whatever gifts God bestows upon you, even the ones that cause discomfort. We all have something to give and words to speak which encourage us further on our chosen path. With much love and gratitude........Al
Endless journey,endless Love.
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Re: Channeled history of James and Helen Padget

Post by IRISHTIM »

The authenticity of these messages resonates with my soul. The sincerity of Al and Jeanne's dedication is exemplary.Their open hearts and open house have revitalised so many of us. The spiritual food shared in Al's Corner has reached into the corners of all our lives. Freely have we received, we don't have to ingest everything. Thank you Al and thank you Jeanne for your gifted love.

The human struggles we all go through, are part of our education in the enfolding and unfolding of divine love in our individual lives and hopefully throughout our planet. Certainly James and Helen shared the common painful struggles familiar to many families. Isn't great to know that inharmonies in our personal relationships do not restrict the inflow of divine love in each of our souls. Phew! We don't have to be perfect to share in the divine Consciousness. This is a divinely inspired human story.
Al I think I could use your expertise...did you ever think of moving to Blackpool ? Thanks Bro!! In gratitude, Tim
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Re: Channeled history of James and Helen Padget

Post by DennisT »

Dear Al,
I wanted to add my two cents worth as I welcomed and truly enjoyed these messages -- tremendously! As a student of the Padgett Messages, I took it upon myself to learn more about their lives, and in fact, have dedicated a large portion of my free time to learn all about James, Helen, their children and friends or associates. For me, it was part of my “due diligence” because as a lawyer, we hardly take anything on face value. We want EVIDENCE! I was curious as to whether these folks were real people, and if so, where did they come from, where did they live, who were these people that wrote so-called spirit messages, and did these people, who purported to give spirit messages, really live on this earth? These were the questions I was asking myself about two years ago. So when I first learned that James Padgett was a lawyer, I knew there would be plenty of evidence to find if he had practiced law for any length of time.

During the course of about a year and a half, the story of the Padgett’s lives unfolded before our eyes. Suzie and I were finding more and more information, almost on a daily basis. This search continues to this day, and just yesterday I found photographs of a home where Professor Salyards once lived. :D

As Suzie and I started piecing the Padgett puzzle together, there were obvious holes or gaps in the stories. We knew that someday we would find additional facts that would help fill the voids in the storyline of this amazing couple. To receive these wonderful messages from James and Helen not only completes the story, it reinforces the fact that they were just like you and I, struggling with our day-to-day worries of human existence.

This thrilled me all the more! Certainly, if our Father’s Love can save a struggling attorney like Padgett, God could certainly save this struggling, not-so-old attorney! :D :D

As a young Catholic boy, we often studied the mortal lives of various saints, and we were shown all of their trials and tribulations that they experienced while living their earthly lives. We were often told how one saint overcame disease, another saint overcame poverty, another saint overcame sin, etc. From this, we were taught to model our lives after the saints, because after all, they were human just like us!

I see the Padgetts as no different. Of course James was the first to tell us that he “was no saint!” However, we study their lives and we learn that they were just as we are, struggling with the same issues that we “modern” folks struggle with, such as money, children, work, vacation, illness, disease and even death. The big difference is that their story didn’t end with Helen’s death – it was just beginning. And what a story it is!

Without this wonderful story of a grief-stricken husband and his love for his wife, we might not have ever learned within our lifetimes about our Father’s Divine Love! James and Helen’s words do so much to compliment and augment what we have learned from the cold, hard facts, such as census reports, birth certificates, marriage licenses, newspaper clippings, etc. To hear directly from them is a true blessing, and their message today is the same as was contained in almost 3,000 messages that Padgett received 100 years ago – pray for Divine Love!

Thank you for taking the risk, Al, and sharing these messages with our Divine Love community. Sharing your gift is a risk, especially on a public forum such as this. You will always run the risk of offending someone. I once played piano for a four-hour dinner party, and at the end, an older woman got up to leave and she told me as she was walking out the door that she “hated it, I just hated it!” I was shocked and dumbfounded. I’ve been performing for 30 years, and never, not once, has someone said something so mean, hurtful, and in my opinion, wrong. I thought to myself, I played almost 50 songs in the course of the evening, and this person could not find a single one that she enjoyed? Of course the woman did not approach and make any specific song request; she just wanted to vent and say how awful the music was. My only solace was in the old saying, frequently attributed to Abraham Lincoln, which goes, “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.”

I, my friend, am very much pleased, and I urge you to continue to develop and share your gift. Thank you for sharing this time.

With lots of joyful love and big, big hugs from a hot, 107 degrees, sunny California! :mrgreen:

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Re: Channeled history of James and Helen Padget

Post by jeanne »

Whew! 107 degrees!! OMG! I would absolutely MELT....and that, I suppose would be a good thing! I'll be right over!

Dennis, THANK YOU for your thoughtful, thorough, wonderful post! Coming from YOU, after all the research you and Suzie have done during these past 18 months means a lot to us! I really appreciate the challenges Al has, putting himself in a public light. He's definitely not the quiet introvert I married 38 years ago (our anniversary is tomorrow!!) -- not at all!!

Taking "dictation" like this, with his one little pinkie flying wildly over the keyboard was a bit humorous to witness! I must say our home was filled with extraordinary Divine Love and Light over the 3 day period of this sacred channeling. It began with our morning prayer when James came to ask if Al would receive his dictation and it went on into the afternoon until Al just needed to get outside in the garden. The second day Helen came just as we were about to have our morning prayer and asked if she could dictate too.

Yes, we are so deeply, profoundly blessed to receive this gift which is, indeed, meant for all of us. There is no doubt in my mind that James and Helen and the band of Celestial angels they work with have a deep purpose in sharing their story. Their humility in revealing their human condition is inspiring and gives me such great hope that I too, will be able to overcome my human weaknesses as I grow in The Mighty Love.

Thank you, Dennis, for being there to provide wise counsel and factual information that validates Al's experience. Many thanks, and deep abiding love, dear friend!

For those attending the Washington retreat, I promise you Dennis' keynote presentation is going to be a special treat!

Love always, always love, Jeanne :D
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Re: Channeled history of James and Helen Padget

Post by Doles »

The authenticity of these messages resonates with my soul. The sincerity of Al and Jeanne's dedication is exemplary.Their open hearts and open house have revitalised so many of us. The spiritual food shared in Al's Corner has reached into the corners of all our lives. Freely have we received, we don't have to ingest everything. Thank you Al and thank you Jeanne for your gifted love.

The human struggles we all go through, are part of our education in the enfolding and unfolding of divine love in our individual lives and hopefully throughout our planet. Certainly James and Helen shared the common painful struggles familiar to many families. Isn't great to know that inharmonies in our personal relationships do not restrict the inflow of divine love in each of our souls. Phew! We don't have to be perfect to share in the divine Consciousness. This is a divinely inspired human story.....
Didn't have much to add to this discussion, except that I wanted to second IRISHTIM's sentiment here.
With Blessings!
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Re: Channeled history of James and Helen Padget

Post by AlFike »

I just want to echo what Jeanne has said to you Dennis. Your endorsement and confirmation of what has been written is good enough for me to consider continuing on in this way to write for other spirits. In fact, all the comments here have been very uplifting and reassuring for me. I'm sorry if I have come across as being deeply insecure , which I don't believe I am. I'm cautious, possibly to a fault and I probably doubt my gifts more than any of you. The experience of being me but not being me when these communications happen can cause some confusion and internal doubt. The mind always seeks credibility and something solid in order to feel comfortable. My mind has yet to come to a fully comfortable acceptance of what is going on. As each brick of validation is laid in place, the foundation strengthens and the doubts dissipate, although it is not your job to do this for me. It is, in reality, between me and my Creator but to have your support and acceptance is still a deep desire as my faith has not carried me to that place of peace yet. It's coming and you are all helping and I think that it is all good. Thank you again my brothers and sisters for your firm support and appreciation. I do indeed feel the love 8-) . Much love back......Al

PS: Irish Tim, I just may take you up on your offer my friend. We'll see what the powers that be have to say ;) .
Endless journey,endless Love.

Re: Channeled history of James and Helen Padget

Post by Tim »

Thanks for the relay, Al. I can understand the reluctance and confusion around sharing this, but I’m very glad you did. I really enjoyed reading it.

While I'm not one, I know that all (good) mediums have questioned their ability. I think you’re on track. So, I’ll pile on my encouragement and appreciation too and hope you continue to move forward with greater confidence.

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Re: Channeled history of James and Helen Padget

Post by brian_holmes »

This is going into my Kindle so that I can read it frequently along with the four volumes of the The True Gospel Revealed Anew and Judas of Kerioth. It fits right in and offers us a precious, though not critical, view of the "human" side of James and Helen Padgett. What wise and loving souls there are on this Path, no matter how flawed they may have been (or still are). The journey, even the thought of it, is exciting. It is indeed a 100th anniversary gift to the Divine Love community.

Thank you, Al.
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Re: Channeled history of James and Helen Padget

Post by Marga M. »

Dearl Al (and the rest of all that have responded),

It's been a while since I have posted, but I am so happy that you inquired about me yesterday. Received a wonderful surprise coming back on Thursday night as I read what Mr. Padgett and Helen had dictated to you. Tears of joy whaled up in my eyes because their messages came at just the right time for ALL of us and for what you are all doing in your home in Canada, Blackpool and other parts of the world.

Enjoyed the responses from all of the ones that posted, reading them was like icing on a freshly baked cake!! Absolutley life affirming and encouraging as well. Much love and respect to you all.

IMHO: Mr. Padgett's story was so very important and timely because he too had his doubts about his mediumistic abilities not to mention that he didn't even know that he had mediumistic gifting until later in his life. For goodness sake, he had been a lawyer for over 30 years and every bit a normal human being with his own materialistic ideals, family issues and life to live.

James said:

"I was invited to be an instrument of communication by Jesus Christ and his apostles. I must admit that this invitation threw me for a loop. I was dumbfounded and very skeptical that what was, in my mind, the true son of God and part of the Godhead would in any way have an interest in communicating through me. I not only felt unworthy but completely unqualified for the task. My total confusion almost brought me to the point of throwing away my utensils and giving up this practice."

Sound familiar? Al, you are in good company. But even better is that Mr. Padgett had to endure his gifting when being a medium might have been an nice entertaining endeavor for non people of faith, but he was a Methodist when most Christian denominations frowned and/or denounced mediums and automatic writings as being of the devil. Thus, he had a doubly difficult inner and outer struggle to deal with. Thus, He had to keep it to himself...later only sharing it with his two trusted friends.

Even though you have your own doubts and struggles, you are at a better advantage than Mr. Padgett was 100 years ago. How so? When your mediumistic abilities came forth you didn't have all the Christian baggage and stigma attached to it. Even though he was not dogmatic in his beliefs, he had to struggle with feeling like a "heretic" and being blasphemis (sp?) That is very hard. Joseph just had a post about being a heretic, so we know how that feels.

At least today, there have been many other mediums world wide that are able to show their abilities and talents and they are varied in so many ways. Many have books, TV programs, websites and seminars, etc. As well as, you have even met others who also channel Jesus and other high spirits and/or Celestials. Sounds like it would be less pressure for such a time as this. Guess not yet. :roll: 8-)

Just like the rest of us who are on this journey, none of us are perfect. What is amazing, when you actually think about it -- we are not asked to be perfect, just asked to be willing to a laborer in this great sea of lost souls. Be a light in so much darkness. Let the world know that the Creator loves them and cares about each and everyone of them regardless of their upbringing, color or status in life. Like the old saying, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few..." IMHO: This beautiful message couldn't have come at a better time.

James stated:
"You are God’s messengers on earth my brethren. I know that your struggles are every bit as difficult as was mine but in the end God’s Love conquered all. He brought me to the glory of His loving embrace and He will surely do as much for you.

Do not give up or be lead astray. You have the truth firmly in your grasp and the world needs you my brothers and sisters and God will guide you to where you are meant to be...."
May you be encouraged and strengthened Al; as well as, all of the rest of us on this Divine Love journey who have benefited from their powerful messages from both James and Helen. So, thank you Al, James and Helen for bringing such a wonderful message to us NOW. Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to say, "THANK YOU AND MUCH LOVE to our Creator and our elder brother, Jesus (Yeshua), and to all the many Celestial Angels who have been laboring to keep this message of God's Divine Love alive and sending it all over the world for all these years.

Much love and respect to you,

Last edited by Marga M. on Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Channeled history of James and Helen Padget

Post by Marga M. »

Dear Dennis & Suzie,

Thank you so much for all that you've done in trying to get as much information as you can on the Padget family. That is truly a labor of love and may you be blessed, strengthened and encourged as well. Plus, thank you for encouraging Al to go ahead and post this.

Just met you guys this year, but from that short time, may I say, "Please keep up your hard work and dedication to this work here on the DLSF. Love your sense of humor and being a gracious host; as well as, appreciate your wonderful musical talents." Looking forward to seeing you at the 100th Anniversary in DC.

Much love, {{{{{{{{ Hugs }}}}}}}}, and appreciation to you both as well,

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