Messages received Sat Sept 29, 2012

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Messages received Sat Sept 29, 2012

Post by jeanne »

Augustine (through Al)

Such beautiful lights, such beautiful souls, God bless you, dear, dear souls, children of God’s love. Each in your own way you serve the Creator. Each in your own way, you provide a channel of love in the world in accordance with your uniqueness, the beauty that is, the creation that is you. You walk in the world in light, my children. Through your desire for the love, so the love flows through you, through your desire to serve through light, to honour your brothers and your sisters, to be an instrument of peace, to be an agent for change in the world; to bring healing, to bring truth, to care for your brothers and sisters, to care for the children, to care for the elderly. So many ways you are a channel for love, so many beautiful channels of love. And as you reach for the Creator, as you allow the Creator to work through you, as you receive more of this love, as you walk upon your path and thereby become stronger and wiser and more loving and more understanding, as you accumulate more of the truth within you, as the love changes you from within so this light so the effects of your works will become more powerful and more beautiful and light in light shall shine as you walk, as you care, as you love, as you perceive, as you give.

Listen to your souls my dear children, listen and be guided by God. Beseech the Creator for his love to flow into your souls constantly, powerfully, and all about you and all within you shall change and become harmonious and beautiful without conflict, without pain. And the inner wounds and the inner dilemmas shall be healed. You shall bring wisdom to this world and help to heal others and guide others and the flow of love shall insight the souls of the lost souls to long for this love. Follow the will of the Father, walk in the love of the Father in this flow. And all shall be well. And even the material impediments shall fall away. Your needs shall be met. You shall know the road you must walk. It will be clear to each one of you for each road is unique. Each gift is unique. Each person walks, each soul walks on their road to the Father to atonement in their own way, upon their own road. And yet you walk together hand in hand, you love one another and support and encourage, pray together. And in these prayers, in these efforts you make together creates a great light, a channel of love for the world. This is so beautiful and we in spirit rejoice at your efforts and we add our love, we add our love.

Know that you are loved, dear children, love yourselves, be at peace. And that which you struggle with today shall be gone tomorrow. Carry this faith, this is true. As you pray for the love, all barriers and impediments, all error, all that is not in harmony with the Creator and his love shall fall away from you, and visions shall be clear, love shall be intense and beautiful. Peace shall be with you. This is the promise of the Father. This is the great gift to mankind. Pray for this love, dear, dear children. Pray for this love within every breathe and you will see that my words are true. There is no greater blessing than this love, my children. No greater blessing. Its power and beauty, its healing power, glorious to behold. Drink deep of this love, my children. It pours upon you, know it. Drink deep. I am your teacher Augustine. I love you.

Jesus (through Barb)

Blessed and beloved souls, Jesus has touched you with love and you are deeply blessed; blessed Divine love flows into your souls and you will continue your steps in this world. It is so important to enfold the lost ones. Yes, each of you is needed deeply; yes, angels uphold you and I am Jesus. I shall always, always walk with you, my beloveds. It is a haunted, broken, painful world and you must allow the love of our Heavenly Father to flow through you, touch all the lives you touch. Yes, that will help to bring peace, love, acceptance and understanding which is deeply needed, my beloveds. You are deeply needed. I shall uphold you; I am Jesus and I will uphold you. Continue upon the Divine path. As you progress upon your path in this life in your troubled world, you will bring peace, love and understanding, and acceptance, my beloveds, my precious beloved lights of God’s love. Know this and uphold the power and the healing of this love ande let it flow into your world for each of you, precious, precious souls.

Please guide all of us in this troubled world, my beloved. Each of you will be guided by Angels. I am Jesus and you are beloved, beloved channels of our Heavenly Father’s Love, as this Love flows from you, my precious beloved souls.

Confucius (through Al)

Dear sweet children, God bless you. I am Confucius. I’ve come to be with you in your prayers and to beseech you to pray for the Father’s love and to tell you how pleased we are in this wondrous work that you have done and of you coming together in this way, beautiful souls, dedicating your time and your effort to a little project of love. Yes, each one valuable in their efforts, each one beautiful in their souls, each one necessary in their participation in this effort. We thank you; we thank you for this.

And I ask you my children, are you ready for the changes to come? Are you prepared? For there are great changes to come within you and around you and in this world; challenges, and some disruptions and some turmoil as the Father pours his healing upon your world and your world within you. Are you willing to accept the changes you must make to come into harmony with this blessing? For these changes are necessary to bring the healing and the harmony within and without. And yes, you shall be guided and you shall know the steps you need to take. And always you shall be protected by the Father, His Love will surround you, His Angels will guide you. You will be shown the way, my children.

Do not worry, do not fear, walk in faith; so very important, my children, to walk in faith and prayer. To reach your hand out to the Father and say, “Father lead me through this life, this precious gift of life and show me the footsteps I must take”. And you shall be shown; your prayers shall be answered. The Father shall pour His Love upon you and give you wisdom and guidance, healing and comfort. And as these blessings are poured upon you and you are shown the way, you shall show others, be a channel of love, and be a channel of blessings, a beacon of light, a beacon of light, my children.

Peace be with you, the peace that passes all understanding be with you in your travels, in your efforts to be a channel of love. Great peace be with you and a knowing—a knowing that the Heavenly Father is with you and stands with you in your efforts, in your healing, in your love. Blessings to you, children, blessings of love to you. Confucius loves you, feels great joy at your efforts, loving beautiful souls.
Stay centered in Divine Love and expect miracles to happen!
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